Information System, Website, DFD, ERDAbstract
At Tinggi Hari Health Center located in Gumay Ulu District, the obstacles experienced or problems that occur at the Tinggi Hari Health Center are still many limitations in their delivery, because all data processing and information delivery have not used Information Technology at all. The data is still stored in the form of a book which means it has not been published at all. With the Website-Based Public Health Center Information System, information about the scope of the puskesmas will be easier to obtain. This research is designed using the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) process flow and the database uses an Entity Relation Diagram (ERD). With the system that will be built later, it is hoped that related parties will easily build a system, so that information about the Tinggi Hari Health Center can be published in a complete, interesting and clear manner and will be easily obtained by the general public without having to come directly to PKM first.
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