Pengenalan Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Kota Pagar Alam Interactive Multimedia Application Introduction To The City Of Pagar Alam
Applications, Multimedia, Tourism, CultureAbstract
Pagar Alam City is one of the cities that has very good tourism potential, but due to the lack of publications, its existence as a tourist area is not optimally explored. Submission of information about tourism and culture in Pagar Alam City by using brochures in tourist places attached to information boards and the lack of interest of tourists in reading this information is a problem for the Pagar Alam City Tourism Office in promoting the tourism sector in the area. Therefore, we need a way by utilizing technology that can interact with users where the information can be directly obtained in the application, every tourist to know the tourism and culture they are going to, namely the Interactive Multimedia Application Introducing the City of Pagar Alam. The expected result with this application is that it can help tourists find out and obtain information about tourism and culture in the city of Pagar Alam. The type of research used by the author is descriptive qualitative using data collection methods, namely observation, collecting data and literature. The method in developing this application using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle specifically provides a discussion of the stages of development and design for an interactive multimedia system, the results of making the application are tested before being published.
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